tirsdag den 12. februar 2013

Handpainted Chinese wallpapers for museum - late 18th century

Zilmers has been very busy making a sample of a Chinese handmade wallpaper design from about 1780 
The handmade wallpaper is for a Danish museum. 

How to make a Chinese wallpaper with old techniques

The laboratory of Zilmers is tasting and making the perfect distemper paint
At first we make the distemper paint ourselves - very strong and a little shiny with a tint of raw sienna.

Distemper paint wallpaper hand painted
Then the handmade paper is painted... 
It's reacting with the water from the paint... very frustrating!

One of the best in silkscreen technique
The very best of Danish craftsmen takes the challenge of copying the design.
This is Vike - specialist in silkscreen/serigraphy technique.

Specialist i silketryk serigrafi
After a lot of testing Vike finds the right technique and binder for this specific challenge.

Silkscreen wallpaper design
The result is nothing but perfect! 

Håndmalet af Zilmers tapetdesign
Iben then paints the pattern with the finest watercolor technique.

Akvarel malet tapet
She always works with precision and perfection.

Handpainted wallpaper design
Slow and steady getting the feel of the design with a cup of hot cocoa, water, music and grapes to help her keep the energy up :-)

Handmade Chinese wallpaper design copy
The result is a new Chinese wallpaper design from Zilmers

chinoiserie handmade

So beautiful and just a small sample... 
The original pattern is 6 times the size of this sample.

Thank you for reading this

and have a good day

Heidi Zilmer

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